Table des matières


Oi Polloi


Cops kill youth at the station riot breaks out at the demonstration you get nicked for doing a pig senile rich scumbag in a judges wig says guilty - of fighting back guilty - of a vicious attack guilty - of standing your ground guilty - you're going down b.n.p. scum march on your street a fascist threat that we must meet bricked and bottled they're soon stopped but now you're standing in the dock guilty - of taking no more guilty - of defying their law guilty - see the judge's frown guilty - you're going down cancer research - lies and fraud vivisection lab - booted down the door trashed the place till there's nothing left victory to the a.l.f.! guilty - of daring to care guilty - so you better beware guilty - free animals from hell guilty - your reward is a cell coming out the wine bar - rich scumbag in a bowler you take his money and trash his roller stinking rich parasite flaunts his wealth while you're living on the pavement in hunger and ill health yet it's you who gets locked up - your crime is being poor another prisoner of the class war rotting in a prison - social control for those of us in poverty and on the dole i said, i said who's next? it could be you or me support the prisoners - support the a.b.c. don't forget those on the inside we must give them all the support that we can provide motorway planned through ancient wood s.s.s.i.s could be lost for good in defence of our earth you strike on night blazing vehicles burning bright guilty - of defending the earth guilty - yours by right of birth guilty - now you're doing time guilty - who commits the real crime? yes we're guilty - guilty and proud guilty of standing out from the crowd guilty of caring - or just being poor to resist is our duty when injustice is law guilty - hate your laws and your system guilty - we're gonna resist them guilty - and if some get caught guilty - we're gonna give them support


Another adolescent suicide - 'cos you don't look the part killed by the glossy magazines that brainwashed you from the start photos of models in expensive clothes designer haircuts and arrogant pose rammed down our throats time after time their fashion is a violent crime fit in - conform - pressured from the start freak - failure - if you don't look the part fit in - conform - be what you're told freak - failure - if you don't fit their mould six stone four not an ounce of fat tv made quite sure of that eat your food can't keep it down be like the images all around laxative abuse life's so unfair can't go out got nothing to wear don't look in the mirror - it never lies can hide your body but not the pain in your eyes death diet death diet death diet - anorexia models on the page that we've all seen the ones on the adverts on the tv screen how come none look like you or me? they're trying to make us feel like freaks but their vision of perfection at which to aim is an airbrushed illusion you can never attain enough is enough we won't swallow the lie they're selling us a myth but we won't buy we won't conform - we won't even start we just don't care - if we don't look the part we won't conform - we won't be what we're told we just don't care - it's time to break the mould


Left school at sixteen to become a banker well he can just fuck off - fuckin tory wanker john major - fuck you thinks he's fuckin hard but he'd be out of luck if he came to one of our gigs he'd get kicked to fuck john major - fuck you “classless society”? - what a load of toss fuckin rich scumbag - you can just fuck off john major - fuck you fuckin wanker


Oi! nineteen nineties and the nazis are back family burnt out in an arson attack children lying in hospital dying of their burns it's about time that everyone learns (to) bash - bash the fash! germany in the thirties was the same a life or death struggle - not some kind of game learn at least the basics of some martial art then you'll be ready when the aggro starts b.n.p. scum marching on your street they even get elected when they should get beat beat off the streets that belong to us you won't stop them with chants and placards so just first they came for the jews and i did nothing to help them because i was not a jew then they came for the communists and i did nothing to help them because i was not a communist next they came for the trade unionists and i did nothing to help them because i was not a trade unionist and then they came for me and there was no one left to help me adolf hitler himself said that the only way the rise of the german nazi party could have been prevented was if its enemies had recognised it for what it was right at the start and had smashed it in its infancy with utmost force. for once we would agree with him - waving placards and chanting at fascists through megaphones accomplishes absolutely nothing. the only way to stop nazi scum like the b.n.p. is by physically confronting them and literally kicking them off our streets. nazi falls amidst a hall of fists and feet stomping out the rhythm of the cable street beat with our boots on the scumbag's head the only good nazi is one that's dead a.f.a. girls and boys block the fash escape route now we've got them cornered and they're gonna eat boot trying to escape but they just can't manage our boots rain in wreaking terrible damage


So here we are - a thin green line Into the nineties, runnig out of time Extinction of our planet has already begun but don't let them tell you nothing can be done Some of us are angry & fighting back Non-violent direct action is a means of attack No, we're not giving up without a fight No nuclar plant here - we're going to trash the site

Gotta be honest, gotta be blunt If we really want to stop them we've got sab the hunt Smash that bulldozer, watch the flames go higher Pull the plug & cut the wire We get beaten up & send to jail But I don't care if that's what it takes to save the wales Save our Earth, save the wilderness land Are you for us or againts us? Time to make your stand

See that whaling vessel sinking into brine Taken out by a limpet mine See those trees standing so tall They've been spiked so they won't fall See that excavator going up in smoke Sugar in the petrol tank - that's no joke Ecosabotage in the dead of night Like mushrooms break through concrete in the moonlight


Arrested - beaten black and blue Confession - beaten out of you You didn't do it - but you still get the cell In prison - institiutionalised hell

23 houres - banged up day and night Beatings - given out left and right By the screws who want to put you down Degradation - they rub your face in the ground

How many are imprisoned for a crime they didn't do Don't think for one minute that it couldn't be me or you So if you feel you're tempted to just ignore this song Put yourself in their place and write to right the wrong

How many thousands of people all around the globe are imprisoned for crimes they never commited? How many more for their political beliefs? Or simply because they have fallen foul of vicious, opressive legal systems that serve only to protect the wealthy and powerful elite? What is perhaps the cruellest blow of all to these people is when those of us on the outside simply sit back and allow them to rot in the cells. Organisations like Amnesty International and The Anarchist Black Cross have shown that, by using our collective strength, we can get out many of these people. There is no excuse for inaction. At the time of recording, Martin Foran is on hungerstrike and John Perotti is on fast to death - How many more lives must be screwed up and wasted before we face up to our responsibilities and work to support our sisters and brothers in captivity?


When two men kiss Walk hand in hand The fear of what You don't understand Explodes into violence Screams break the silence “The guy was a poof” “The guy was queer” Dehumanised And living in fear No, you're not thick And you say they're sick But the only sickness I can see Is the cancer of What kind of society do we live in where the simple act of showing love and affection towards another human being results in this kind of sickening murderous violence? Intolerance, bigotry and hate - I say it's time to stop. From nazi boneheads to Bad Brains - Warped attitiudes that we must change and it's not just homofobia - Rampant sexism, macho dancing, beating of woman - All this is rife within the “scene” - often closer to home than we care to acknowledge. It's time to stop sweeping things under the carped - Confront the problems - And act.


Once this magnificent animal swam freely in the seas But now held captive for human greed. A miserable “life” behind bars and concrete walls No companion killer whales to hear its calls. Yes. I'm sickened by what I've seen And the mass Faroe Islands pilot whale slaughter is Obscene. My eyes don't easily fill with the tears But when I watched those whales scream and die The tears ran freely from my eyes To see them murded, hacked apart Was like something tearing indide my heart Yet one day such creatures might all swim free Peaceful coexistence - no fear, no need to hide Ourselves and whales together side by side


I'm lost for words when I think of the depths to which we sink Sometimes there just seem to be no depths to which our species will not sink. Surely, in this day and age, we should be seeking to establish meaningful and constructive relationships with other higher intelligences like dolphins and whales. Instead, however, we seen intent on either exterminating them or roping them in to our sick, perverted power games. How anyone can take friendly, playful wild dolphins and cold-bloodedly turn them into drug addicted killing machines is almost beyond comprehension. Yet people do it. Cold death flies from harpoon gun - The sea turns red - What have we done? A horrific death by harpoon - Scientific research? Blue whales, the largest animals on the Earth, have already been hunted to virtual extinction while sperm whales (who are also highly intelligent creatures with complex social organisation and even their own culture) have found themselves bruttaly slaughtered by rich scum like Aristotle Onassis, the sick evil scumbag who even went so far as to use the penises of sperm whales to make his luxury yacht's bartools. Poison and kill - We are the ones - See what we do - What have we done? Not content with exterminating the most intelligent form of marine life, we are also doing a pretty good job of killing everything else in the sea as well. Radioactive waste, oil slicks, heavy metals, chemical spillages - We're turning the oceans into radioactive cesspit. There are already upwards of fifty nuclear warheads and nine nuclear reactors lost on the seabed. Pollute and kill - Is that all that mankind can do?


Safety rules - corners cut Just to keep the profits up Money saved - profits rise But consequence is someone dies

Victim of a chemical spillage

Safety regulations breached Critical concentrations reached Money is saved but a live is lost Loved ones left to count the cost

Tanker crashin the village Death could from the spillage No escape from the fumes Peoples' homes become their tombs

In the face of corporate greed Ecodefence is what we need Read and act upon this text Or you become the next victim of a chemical spillage

Never forget that one thing that motivates big business is profit. As far as the multinationals are concerned, there is nothing that they will not destroy in their insane drive for increased takings: forests, meadows, rivers, the sea - even their own employees are all seen as expedable. This kind of omnicidal madness is killing our Earth and can only be stopped by mass direct action. Anyone who advocates this of course is branded as an extremist - Yet what could be more extreme than the mass poisoning and polluting of our planet, the destruction of huge areas of rainforest and the wholesale slaughter to extinction of vast numbers of species of animals? It's time to stand up and be counted - If you're not part of the solution. You're part of problem. No compromise on defence of our Earth


Pastry mixed veg Red bean Courgettes Walnuts Cashews Tomatoes Mushrooms!!

Let's make a tasty anarcho-pie - Ace vegan food for you and I (x2)

Take eight ounces of pastry and, leaving a little bit aside, roll out two equal portions each a quarter inch thick. Then use one of these to carefully line the bottom of your chosen pie dish.

Cook the ingredients for the pie filling separately and then place these inside the pie dish on top of the pastry base. Wetting the top of the edge of the pastry base, affix the pastry cover to the anarcho-pie.

Now comes the important bit: Using the spare bits of pastry, decorate the top of the pie with a pastry anarchy sign - symbolising our never-ending resistance to the omnicidal system that perverts our lives.

After baking the pie in the oven for between thirty and thirty five minutes at approximately four hundred degrees farenheit it should be ready fir serving and by this time should have developed a good crust!

Mmm… uurrgh, i don't like mushrooms howay, pass them over - i'll have them aye, this pie, this pie's barry - it's almost as good as - as a singing hiney man! mmm… mmmm… alright john eh aye? aye barry! that's what it is - pure canny! uurgh, i don't like walnuts i'll have them mmmmm… Aye, ye canny baet this vegan food, ken? aye, vegan food oh, it's the best pure dead brilliant man, anarcho-pie rules, ken? aye how long does this go on for? Who's doing the dishes? the wimmin! aaaahhh!! street cred gone! knife hi!! knife the anarcho-pie anyway aye man aye kin raj! aye etc. raj! aye etc.


As a black night fast approaches dawn We gather in mist by the gnomon As the stones are struck by the suns first rays We feel the Earthpower in our veins The awesome power that fills the stone We feel it in our minds and bones And as we dance around the ring Joy fills our souls - We start to sing Old power awakened and growing fast An awesome force from deep in the past But there are those who do not understand And the stones are desecrated By their hands.

One such group of stones facing desecration at the hands of these people is the standing stone complex at Callanish on the Isle Of Lewis in Scotland. Sometimes referred to as the “Stonehenge of the North”, this unique arrangment of stones is facing the same kind of rape that happened at Stonehenge. There are now plans afoot to construct a hideous unsightly visitor centre there this ruining the whole aura of the place - along with the plans to build a bigger road and even to charge an admission fee. Who are these people who in their arrogance that they can deny the people access to our owntemples? Stone circles belong to all of us not simply to the powers that be. Remember: These are same people who seriously considered carpetting Stonehenge with astroturf and even considered constructing a plastic replica “foamhenge” beside real monument! Such people are not fit guardians of these places. Free the stones. Free the stones.


Sticks and standing stones Arrests and broken bones Peoples' homes destroyed Vicious thugs employed By rulers alienated From an earth they've devastated Surround our temple with barbed wire But in our hearts there burns a fire (to) Free the Henge Free the Henge Our culture is attacked Our right are violated I say its time to end The restrictions they've created Free the Henge Free the Henge

For thousands of years Stonehenge has been a sacred meeting place for people - Furthermore in 1918 it was gifted to the nation the then “owner” on the condition that there sholud be free access for all who wished to gather there so what gives you the right, the power to decide that the people's access to the stones will be denied? We won't be stopped by cops, four miles “exclusion zones” 'cos we're coming through to liberate the stones Free the Henge Free the Henge The time will come again When we'll be at Henge To feel the Earthpower At the solstice houre Free the Henge Free the Henge Free the Henge Free the Henge

Winter solstice 1988 - Stonehenge - Bands playing, jugglers juggling, people breathing fire, gathering wood in the trees as the music echoed through the night air, laughing, sitting round the campfire talking and sharing food and drink - An amazingly friendly atmosphere - In the morning, gathering before dawn at the stones, dancing round the stone circle hand in hand - A little magic in the midst of our grey, drab world of concrete and exhaust fumes…

Summer solstice 1989 - Riot police, road-blocks, coming up against the full force of the state, chased through woods by the cops, hiding in the ditches while helicopter searchlights sliced through darkness to find us, fear, anger, determination - That they will not beat us, that they will not destroy our culture… A response: If they think they can stop us gathering together for free festivals they are wrong. Our response to our experiences was just to come and organise a free festival on Cramond Island near Edinburgh. With the help of many others we made our own festival - And you can too!


Standing outsides the primary school gates With their leaflets stirring up race hate Creeping round in the dead of night Setting innocent people's houses alight They stab and kill in radical attacks Just how much more before ypu fight back? Find them - Grind them - Grind them!!

Nazi scum - your time will come

A nazi rally planned for our town But anti-fascists came from all around Cleared the scum completely off the streets Showed the fascists can and will be beat And when they tryied to to gather in Hyde Park Anti-fascists again made their mark On the brainhead boneheads - Who they wasted

We must clear the streets of nazi scum Make them safe again for everyone No longer will we have to walk in fear Of scum who have no place here If we unite the battle can be won Stop the problem before it's really begun Find them - Grind them - Grind them!! Nazi scum - your time will come


I asked them why the wilderness had to die Their replay to me showed the reason was naked greed.

Mass action could stop them - But you've got to start it World Park status for the Antarctica.

They rape and plunder whatever they find - Sea polluted and minerals mined. Poisoned animals slowly die as they suck Antarctica dry.

Cumoan chris - Gie it laldy ya raj!!

And the factory ships set sail - A death sentence for the whale And as the sea turns to red yet more life blood is shed.

Park proposals are greeted with mirth by those who rape our Earth So will you really just stand by and watch the last great wilderness die?

Antarctica - twelve million square kilometers of the last almost untouched wilderness left on Earth. It is thus vital that it is protected from greed of those who would turn it into a vast open-cast mineral mine. Unchallenged, such commercial exploitation will simply kill this continent. Toxic waste will be pumped into the seas (as the Americans are already doing at their base at McMurdo Sound), rubbish will be simply thrown away and the inevitable oil disasters similary to the Exxon Valdez in Alaska will ruin the coastal ecology. Then, goverments and multinationals will move on, leaving it poisoned and scarred - Only one thing stands in their way - You.


Hey there mr. kipling exceedingly good cakes? you're a dealer in death your cost image is a fake mr. kipling - death dealer! mr. kipling - life stealer! we ask you this question how many creatures must die to provide the animal fat for your apple pie? in the slaughterhouse the cattle scream and bleed animals condemneded to death by the corporate greed that fuels war and exploitation and steals the earth from all of us but now your rotting facade is crumbling 'cos now we've got you sussed


You resurrect the corpse of war you take the food from the poor you kill this planet, mine by birth your death machines stalk the earth you create famine for starving millions your air attacks upon civilians your state police to make us bleed you are the leech of corporate greed and you will suck the planet dry as long as those who care stand by not long now till all has died we watch the global omnicide the gulf war we now see portayed on our tv screens like an obscene video game is the inevitable consequence of the greed of big business and a system which sees all life as subordinate to profit, a system which has countless hapless men and women brainwashed, then burned, maimed and blown apart on the battlefield. no war but the class war your system - stench of death omnicide - earth's dying breat fight back - don't stand by dont let your planet die


Kurds in iraq gas air attack choking death pain from saddam hussein victims of a gas attack victims of a gas attack choke in a ditch die for the rich mustard-gassed squaddie blistered dead body no i won't fight might isn't right fight your own wars there's no “just cause”


Eighteen years old, screaming in a ditch amputated legs in a war fought for the rich but the bosses shed no tears as you bled and cried 'cos your butchery battle-proved the weapons they had sold to the other side time to stop the war b.p. ain't worth dying for orphaned children cry, screaming for their dad but when he comes home he'll be in a body bag another loved one is left legless, condemned to a wheelchair this is “precision bombing” with your great military hardware you make a tv game of slaughter and terror air attacks a video distration from recession and poll tax forget and fight for you? we're the people that you're screwing no, you'll only see us fight to give your bailiffs a good doing


Are we to go back to the days of victoria? will we so easily surrender the gains we've made so far? back to an age of repression, hypocrisy, and lies forced into the back streets as another freedom dies no! no return to the back streets christian fundamentalist - right wing nutter claim to respect life - soon show their true colors abortion clinic doctor gunned down in the street is this the “sanctity of life” they claim is their belief? thousands more will die - back street abortionist the bloody juman consequence if we do not resist the bombings and the terror - well what do you think? your future as a breeding sow chained to the kitchen sink? fight - or lose the right to choose


Kurds in iraq gas air attack choking death pain from saddam hussein victims of a gas attack victims of a gas attack choke in a ditch die for the rich mustard-gassed squaddie blistered dead body no i won't fight might isn't right fight your own wars there's no “just cause”


When two men kiss walk hand in hand the fear of what you don't understand explodes into violence screams break the silence “the guy was a poof” “the guy was queer” dehumanised and living in fear no, you're not thick and you say “they're sick” but the only sickness i can see is the cancer of your bigotry what kind of society do we live in where the simple act of showing love and affection towards another human being results in this kind of sickening murderous violence? intolerance, bigotry and hate - i say it's time to stop. from nazi boneheads to bad brains warped attitiudes that we must change and it's not just homofobia - rampant sexism, macho dancing, beating of woman - all this is rife within the “scene” - often closer to home than we care to acknowledge. it's time to stop sweeping things under the carped - confront the problems - and act.


You wouldn't believe the pain that's tearing through my head if you were in my place then you'd wish you were dead locked in a cage like a prison cell i'm living in a living hell all around screams of fear yet they fall upon deaf ears why won't they leave me in peace? is death really my only release? no! tortured to death behind closed doors my cries for help are just ignored set me free - please! if it was you instead of me you'd be screaming to be set free set me free - please! animal liberation and your human rights it's all the same struggle it's all the same fight set us free - please! and now they're coming back to put me on the rack to put me through pain for their financial gain and you know that this ain't right so show you care about my plight 1-2-3-4 kick in that laboratory door! 5-6-7-8 liberate!


Oi! oi! let's go! we're here to play oi! oi! music for you and in return here's what we want you to do come to our gigs - dance but don't fight punx 'n' skins unite! unite! unite and win - punx 'n' skins do you like our country being run this way? doyou like the government? and doing what they say? punx 'n' skins together we'll put things to rights so unite now and put an end to the fights no punx versus skins no us versus them if we stand together we'll beat the system punx 'n' skins united - you know that it's right unite now - can you see the light? oi rat! punx 'n' skins have got to unite eh? yeah, too right mate aye, 'cos if we're united then we can fight back against the system eh ken? and against government oppression yeah that's right - oi! fancy coming down the pub for some lager top? well i wouldn't mind a pint of merrydown myself yeah - and some dry roasted peanuts full of mother nature's protein that's if we don't get lifted on the way down there what? like we might get done by the pigs on the way down oh yeah too right mate ruin a good night's drinking aye let's go then…


Opened the paper what did i see? a load of complete rubbish staring out at me “oi man killed” so the headline read said one of oi polloi had wound up dead well we all knew that that wasn't true 'cos we're still here playing oi! oi! music for you no one of us had wound up dead hear our oi! oi! music pounding through your head we don't need them - we don't need them we don't need them - don't need to read them we don't need them - so don't believe them oi! is dead so the music press say they seem to think that we'll all just fade away seem to think that oi! is over and done but i'm telling you straight we've only just begun there's thousands of folk like me and you we're still here and we're still true they can try to ignore us or smear us with lies but we'll fight on and our spirit never dies the papers have always got it wrong they try to deceive they lie and they con just a form of brainwashing by the ruling elite so what you read you shouldn't always believe but there's alternatives in the music scene who needs rags like “sounds” when we've got our own zines? yes we've got our own press doing things our own way and as for rags like “sounds” i want to hear you all say:


Spreading lies and muck behind our backs a vicious cowardly attack a spiteful scheming slimeball with a huge ego your pathetic negative actions make me want to throw i can't belive the depths to which you've sunk you've got some nerve to call yourself a punk but you'll pay for your trouble making and your deceit for as ye sow so shall ye reap you make me sick - you make me sick you're the lowest of the low - lowest of the low you've sunk so low down you've got nowhere to go you pass by the pickets on the front gate you don't care that you're letting down your mates i don't know how you dare to show your face scum like you are a disgrace deserting your mates sucking up to the boss has all your self respect been lost? you're only thinking of the money thinking of yourself well you're a dirty scab and you can go to hell you dirty scab - you dirty scab well now you really must take the prize you must be so warped and twisted inside to actually grass someone up to the pigs you wanted me in front of the judge in his wig you fingered me for that crime you stinking piece of slime scum like you are just the pits there's ony one description that fits you filthy grass - you filthy grass


I want to have a drink i want to have a laugh i don't want no dodgy politics 'cos i ain't that daft don't need some nutter telling me what to do i can think for myself and so can you commies and nazis they're all the same they only want to use you for their own gain they lie deceive and try to confuse you commies and nazis they only want to use you right wing nutters spreading race hate communist loonies who want a one party state their extremist views are all too clear commies and nazis you're not wanted here commies and nazis what a shower they only want to use you to grab themselves power but once they got it they don't care about you commies and nazis give 'em the boot! commies and nazis - oi! commies and nazis - on yer bike! a fascist government you're almost better off dead! and it would be much the same under the reds more police more laws more prisons and the draft that ain't exactly my idea of a laugh and when there's no fun no freedom no future is marching round in jackboots really going to suit you or going on your parade waving your red flag if you're into that rubbish then you must be mad commies and nazis try it on with us but we tell them where to go 'cos we've got more sus than to be taken in by these scum we despise commies and nazis we can see through your lies commies and nazis they've got to be stopped they only want to use you to get to the top but once they're there they don't care about you they only want to give you orders and tell you what to do commies and nazis try it on with you but these people are plonkers they ain't got a clue try to flog your papers full of drivel and lies well i'm asking you now is it any surprise that these people and their ideas are so despised when they've nothing to offer to you and i they only want to use you as their tools so tell 'em where to go if you know what's good for you but if you think that it's smart, hard, or hip to be a commie or nazi then mate get a grip you don't want to be taken in by none of that drivel commies and nazis sit and swivel! we ain't thick and we won't play your game our message to you will always be the same commies and nazis go take a hike! commies and nazis on yer bike!


Dealers selling smack that will ruin your brain and bring you nothing but misery and pain teenage adicts dying - that's hardly very funny but the dealers are laughing as they pocket the money bring them down - run them out of town they'll screw up your body and they'll screw up your mind but as long as they're making money they think that's fine they just don't care as long as they gain folk dying of the aids outrage well that's just part of their game there ain't nothing that they won't do they want to make a junkie out of you so when the dealers come your way you've got to make them pay find the scum, bring them down run the dealers out of your town smack the pushers - oi! oi! oi! smack the pushers - get them boys!


They fought in the war to keep the people free from the nazi scum who would invade our country fighting the fascist filth they risked their lives but now they're old and weak they're just left to die it ain't right - no way! it ain't right - they've been betrayed as soon as they're no use the government says goodbye they throw them on the scrapheap and leave them to die as soon as you're no use the government will say goodbye they're throw you on the scrapheap and leave you to die folk who've worked for society for all of their years given blood and sweat and toil and tears as soon as they're no use when they're too old the government lets them freeze to death in the cold on the pittance of a pension, struggling to survive freezing to death in the winter while the government stands by they don't care about the old but what did you expect? put your trust in government and this is what you'll get


If you go down in the gardens today you're in for a big surprise if you go down in the gardens today you won't believe your eyes 'cos every punk 'n' skin that ever there was is there today because because today's the day the punx 'n' skins have their picnic! picnic time for punx 'n' skins the punx 'n' skins are out to have some fun picnic time for punx 'n' skins having a laugh in the sun oi! merrydown and salad rolls in hand we come from all across the land skins and punx out to have some fun having a laugh in the midday sun punx picnic! punx picnic! punx picnic! oi! oi! oi! punx picnic! - in princes street gardens park attendants quake with fear 'cos the skins and punx are here they all know not to mess so come and join the fun with all the rest having a drink and having a laugh trading zines and tapes - and acting daft making new friends and palying the fool so come to the punx picnic if you know whats good for you!


Went to a gig for a good night out but of course it had to be ruined by some moronic louts we were all looking forward to a good night when for some stupid reason they started to fight picked on some folk and knocked them to the floor ten kicking one - oh very hardcore one poor kid got a bottle down the side of his face this ain't punk - it's a bloody disgrace yet another gig wrecked by the mindless few broken heads and toilets is what they're out to do yet another gig wrecked by the mindless few they've got to be stopped and it's up to me and you for breaking up our concerts who needs the pigs? when there's idiots like these who smash up our gigs they gob on the bands and ruin the atmosphere well don't come back 'cos you ain't welcome here kicked in the toilets and smashed up the chairs just another venue with no punk gigs there and i bet they thought that they were really hard but the only result's another venue from which punk bands are barred oi meathead! so you've smashed up a toilet eh? hey, you must be really punky! big hardman eh? but of course toilets can't fight back can they? just like most of the folk you pick on at gigs. they're always weaker than you or else you've go a big crowd of your mates with you to back you up. hey! big hardman! you get your kicks out of smashing up venues and ruining folks' nights out - moron. think you're really hard but all you do is close down venues and muck up our scene. call yourself a punk or a skin? you're scum. folk like you make me sick - pathetic little creep. went to another gig out for some fun but it wasn't long before the trouble had begun group of idiots picking on folk on the dancefloor punched and kicked 'em about and then did it some more well it made me so sick that i couldn't stand back so i went to help some people fomr the mindless attack but no one backed me up so then i was kicked about if we don't want these idiots at our gigs we must all throw 'em out


Oi! oi! oi! unite and win stick together - punx 'n' skins! oi! oi! oi! unite unite! young and old, black and white oi! oi! oi! unit eand win stick together through thick and thin oi! oi! oi! unite unite! young and old, black and white


Governments and multinationals corrupt and twisted women and men are going to bring this planet to a premature end with their selfishness and greed they destroy anything of worth are you just going to sit and watch their rape of mother earth? they just couldn't care less about the ecological devastation inflicted by their insane striving for profit maximisation we've got to fight back we've got to give resistance or they'll pollute or exploit our world out of existence industrial accidents and radiation leaks so babies are born as freaks like the re-chem babies with one eye or those who windscale called before their time and the petrol is full of lead so kids grow up wrong in the head and aerosols destroy the ozone layer no protection - now we're laid bare and nuclear waste is dumped into the sea a slow poison for you and me and what once was fertile land has now been turned to desert sand and acid rain pours from the sky so whole forests withher and die and dirty cities, grey and drab cover the land like concrete scabs and toxic chemicals are pumped into streams death where once life would have been the whole situtation has got out of hand so go green and make your stand and it seems that you couldn't care less that our world is in such a mess it makes me wonder how long it will take before you finally awake please, please you've got to open your eyes 'cos you've got to realise exactly what those in power have got planned this is the last chance to make your stand now that we see what's going on we've got to stop them and we ain't got long this isn't something just to sing about 'cos our time is running out…


You cough - they profit well i thought it was about mutual respect but your filthy smoke chokes me so am i incorrect? with your pathetic sick habit you pollute my air have you no respect for others? no, you just don't seem to care i don't like your selfish attitude one little bit you're just a hypocrite animals die in the laboratory forced to smoke over thirty a day don't think you can ignore them 'cos they've got no voice 'cos only you can stop it - only you have the choice like it or not they're murdered in your name while you continue to smoke you must live with the blame you think you're oh so sussed but there's something that you've missed and the big tobacco businessmen are laughing at this yes you actually pay to ruin your health while you suckers abuse your body they're just making more wealth you cough - they profit you choke - they profit you die - they profit you cough - they profit have you got the strength of will to stop it? stop it? stop it. stop it! i know you've got the strength of will to stop it


You come to the gig and you think you're really big but to me you just look small as you cower at the back of the hall lacking even the guts to get up the front and dance it's enough to make me cry are you punx or mice? are you punx or mice? they cheat you, they rob you, and they treat you all as fools and in their schemes of greed and power they use you as their tools and yet you sit and take it are you going to give up without a fight? it's enough to make me cry are you punx or mice? they're sick, they're wrong they've oppressed us for too long now it's our turn to attack we must fight back united, as one, together - you and i don't say that we can't do it are we punx or mice? are you punx or mice? are you punx or mice? are you punx or mice? are you punx or mice?


Nuclear energy is a con it's just a cover for making their bombs and it sends folk to an early grave so we want the power of the wind and the waves harness the wind harness the waves we don't need this filthy nuclear waste solar power - yet another alternative think of the boundless energy that the sun has to give then there's hydro-electricity with trubines and damns and we can cut out consumption with conservation programmes harness the wind the sun and the waves we don't need this filthy nuclear waste the civil atomic energy programme is nothing but an alaborate cover-up for the real use of nuclear power - namely the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons. we call for an end to the nuclear power programme and properly funded research into renewable sources of energy. harness the wind the sun and the waves we don't need this filthy nuclear waste


You wouldn't believe the pain that's tearing through my head if you were in my place then you'd wish you were dead locked in a cage like a prison cell i'm living in a living hell all around screams of fear yet they fall upon deaf ears why won't they leave me in peace? is death really my only release? no! tortured to death behind closed doors cries for help are just ignored set me free - please! if it was you instead of me you'd be screaming to be set free set me free - please! animal liberation and human rights it's one struggle it's one fight set us free - please! and now they're coming back to stick me on the rack to put me through pain they'll drive me insane they put their profit before my pain my suffering is their financial gain and you know that this ain't right so show you care about my plight is death really the only release? 1-2-3-4 kick in that laboratory door! 5-6-7-8 liberate!


Apartheid system fascist state when you buy south african goods this is the system you perpetuate this system based on fear this system based on hate this system which together we can and must annihilate go! yeeeeeeeaaaahhgg!!! a bullet-ridden corpse lies on the dusty track his only crime was that his skin was black we think apartheid stinx those who dare to speak out and question the laws end their lives creaming behind police station doors don't buy apartheid don't buy apartheid the apartheid system cannot be reformed - it must be totally destroyed. for this to happen, however, the south african regime must be isolated and starved of the external financial support that enables it to continue its vile existence. consequently, throughout the whole world, thousands are crying out for sanctions to be imposed against these evil racist slime - but here in britain the government does nothing - and is that really so surprising? for how can we expect thatcher's tories (who are renowned for putting profit before people) to take effective action when, every year, they receive millions of pounds into the party coffers from companies who invest in apartheid - companies like rowntree mackintosh, outspan, shell, b.p., i.c.i., cape, barclays bank, del monte, john west, rio tinto zinc, marconi, tescos - and the list goes on. these are the people whose money keeps botha's government in power, the people who finance a vicious, oppressive regime that humiliates, degrades, tortures, and murders people simply on the basis of skin colour. while those who rule uis refuse to act against this obscenity, we can and will take action against those businesses which, concerning themselves only with profit maximisation and completely regardless of the human suffering involved, continue to finance apartheid - let's hit them where it hurts - boycott the scum!! a brick flies through the window of a branch of barclays bank maybe someone thought their financing of apartheid stank