Table des matières



24 Hours

I’ve been away for days, I’ve been away all these nights I’ve been gone way too long, locked up inside I’ve been there and done that, I’ve been there all the way Now I’m just lonely, lost & sick, I just gotta get away

24 Hours away 24 Hours to go 24 Hours and I’ll be back I’m coming home

I’ve paid my debts, I’ve done my time, never never again Loneliness is killing me but finally it’s coming to an end Just hold on a little longer, I’ve done my time, I’ve had my share 24 Hours and then it’s over, I’m never gonna go back there

24 Hours away 24 Hours to go 24 Hours and I’ll be back I’m coming home

All time loser

Everywhere I go, I see 'em on the streets Searching the trashcans for something to eat But I don't feel sorry for a bit 'Cause they got theirselves into this shit

You started stickin' needles in your veins Takin' pills and messin' up your brains You started throwing your live away You do it all yourselves, so we're not to blame!

You do it all yourselves, so we're not the ones to blame

Why should I give money to some addict program It's your mistake and I don't give a damn You used to take drugs, 'cause you thought it was cool Now your an addict and the drugs have taken you!

The drugs have taken you, and there's nuttin' you can do

You're startin' to shake, so you need more But you ain't got the cash for the drugs you wanna score So you pick an old lady, who you're startin' to beat Steal her money, so you can forfill your greed!

Enough is enough, this is gonna end But I'm a nice guy, so you get a last chance Get off your drugs and start a new life Or buy a cheap coffin and fuckin' die!

All time loser - LOSER

All time - LOSER (x2)

Better Times

I feel like shit, I'm lonely and down Like I'm pushed way back to the ground Sometimes life is easy, life is hard I've gotta get rid of the past and make a new start

I've always been a winner I will never stop I wont quit fighting Untill I drop!

BETTER TIMES ARE COMIN' better times are here BETTER IN THE END they're oh so near

I've cleared my mind, I've set my goals I can do anything I want, I'm gonna tear down those walls The world is mine, I can do it all I'm gonna grab society by the balls

BETTER TIMES ARE COMIN' better times are here BETTER IN THE END they're oh so near

The Boys Are Back In Town

They call us hooligans, they call us thugs Without a reason we got banned from their pubs But Lighttown is calling, so we won't stay at home We love this place too much, the streets is where we belong


They're just plain scared of what they see They don't know nuttin' about you and me Stupid-ass hippies are trying to rule our town Ignorance and prejudice, it's all around!


Hardcore, skins and thugs, we should all unite Together - We'll have a hell of a night It takes more than their hate, to get us down Together - We're gonna smash up this town!


Closing time

It's closing time, once again Finish your drinks, this is the end Tomorrow same time, same place again We're gonna get pissed with all our friends!

Crucified (Iron Cross)

They ask why do we dress this way Live for now, don't understand today See the kids, but don't hear what they say Close your eyes and look the other way Say the end justifies the means Gonna lock us up and throw away the keys

Crucified - Crucified for your sins (x2)

They don't know our feelings, only deperate cries They see reflections through distorted eyes We don't care beceause it breaks their views Got to learn to fight to live Before they grind us under their heel

Crucified - Crucified for your sins (x2)

We're the targets so easy to find And we're the ones that won't stay in line I find myself nailed a cross For something that I didn't do It's your fault you ruined our lives And we're the ones you crucify You're the ones who commit the crimes But it's always us who do the time

Crucified - Crucified for your sins (x2)

Dead End

Old people got taken for a ride, just out on the streets Just for a few lousy coins, they get beat

Junks sharing and dumping their dirty needles on the streets Young kids who're just playing outside catch 'em in their feet

So, I just ask myself, where is this country going to Just tell me now, where is this country going to?

Just to see this all makes me angry, It makes me wanna cry I keep thinking what's wrong with us, I keep asking why

But let me tell you know, It's a dead end if we carry on this way I refuse to watch society down another day

Devil In Disguise

Once there was a time, when my life got off track Everything went downhill fast, I thought there was no turning back I spent my days hanging in the bars and drinking my pain away One night a girl walked in, I’ll never forget that day

Devil in Disguise – She took me by surprise Devil in Disguise – She paralyzed me with her eyes Devil in Disguise – Taking control of me Devil in Disguise – I was too blind, I couldn’t see

From the very moment, she took me under her spell I lost all control, It was a one way ticket to hell She was the thief of hearts, I was too blind to see That she was sucking all the life out of me

Devil in Disguise – She took me by surprise Devil in Disguise – She paralyzed me with her eyes Devil in Disguise – Taking control of me Devil in Disguise – I was too blind, I couldn’t see

Well, then came the day that she left Sucked up and dried out, she left me for dead But I crawled up from the gutter and found my joy for life again I got rid of the past and started living my life again

Devil in Disguise – She took me by surprise Devil in Disguise – She paralyzed me with her eyes Devil in Disguise – Taking control of me Devil in Disguise – I was too blind, I couldn’t see

Forgotten Heroes

10 years in the service, he was willing to give his life For a country that he loved, he served his time with pride When the war was over Johnny went back home His wife and kids had left him, he had no place to go

Forgotten Heroes

He ain’t looking for handouts, just wants some peace of mind All that he wants is to built up a new life But nobody looks after him, they just let him burn Risking your life for all these years and you get nothing in return

Forgotten Heroes

Once a nations pride, is now lying on the streets Drinking away his misery, no shoes on his feet Once a young, strong man, who was proud to serve his land Now being spit on and nobody gives a damn

Forgotten Heroes

Frontline Skins

Frontline skins We won't give in We like to fight We'll never give in

Fuck You Anyway

When I open my eyes nowadays And take a look at society They're all just running around useless They got no identity Call me a rebel, an outlaw A devil with a dirty face Well, at least I got a goal in life So make room 'cuz I'm coming your way

Fuck you, Fuck you - I don't wanna be like you Fuck you, Fuck you - Fuck you and your system too Fuck you, Fuck you - Don't care about the people today Fuck you, Fuck you - Fuck you anyway

Don't wanna be a part of your fashion show 'cuz we don't fuckin' care It's time to face the music You all just better beware That we're pissed off and mad as hell So fuck off with your fake ideals You'll never understand us For you we're much too real

Fuck you, Fuck you - I don't wanna be like you Fuck you, Fuck you - Fuck you and your system too Fuck you, Fuck you - Don't care about the people today Fuck you, Fuck you - Fuck you anyway

Get outta my way

I don't understand the way you live But I don't say it's wrong I just don't give a shit 'Cause you used me way too long

You only turned to me, when you were in need So I could forfill your fuckin' greed Now when I look deep in your eyes I can only see pathetic, selfish lies!

Get outta my way - I don't wanna hear what you've gotta say Get outta my way - I've done with those days (x2)

Attention is the only thing that you need That's the motive behind your deeds I've forgotten about us, it was a mistake Never will I think back of those days!

I was a victim so easy to find How could I be so foolish and blind? Now that I've finally made a new start Never again will you tear me apart!


Here we are, once again The Stompin' Crew and all our friends Time's almost up, we're runnin' late So we came to set the record straight

According to you we're not Hardcore But up 'till now I've never seen you before

You're standing there with yout agnostic shirt Listening to songs you've never heard You talk about unity in the scene But you don't even know what the word means!

You just bought your first Punkrock cd And you're already criticizing me

I don't give a damn about what you say 'Cause you change your style everyday!

I've seen it in the past, I know how it goes You guys don't even last as long as your clothes I'll see it next week, I'll see it next year Before you've heard one song you'll be outta here!

Hated, Damned, Despised

I’ve been working for so long Trying to make it on my own It ain’t easy every day Working 10 hours for a lousy wage A day late and a dollar short I got to pay the rent But I’ll never, I never surrender Why do you fight this in the end

Hated, Damned, Despised – Just give me one good reason why Hated, Damned, Despised – You’ll never know what it’s like

But you kings and queens will never understand What it’s like to fight against defeat Living your lives in fairy tales Never having to make ends meet Always looking down on the common man Who works hard and might survive You’ve never had no worries And so you judge my life

Hated, Damned, Despised – Just give me one good reason why Hated, Damned, Despised – You’ll never know what it’s like

Hooligans Heaven

His mom is always complaining That nothing can save his soul He doesn't give a damn about anything Just football, drinks and Rock 'n roll

But he ain't nothing special He is just like the rest of his mates Fighting for his colors and getting in trouble From time to time a guest of the state

Hooligans Heaven

Another Saturday afternoon He has gotta hurry to the square Just a few hours to go And all the lads are already there

We're walking towards the station And all the boys are ready to go Soon the train will be coming in We're gonna have a fuckin' go

Hooligans Heaven

10 to 2, It's gonna go off A stab, a cry, another life is lost 20 years old, a good future ahead Five minutes later he's fuckin' dead

Hooligans Heaven

Live like a loser, die like a hero

They call him a walkin' bottle of beer He stinks like hell, nobody wants him near Joe has just one passion in life Boozing away his days is his only strife

Live like a loser, Die like a hero

He knocks at my door, asks me for a dime Why don't you fuck off joe, and stop wasting my time I don't feel one cent of pity for you Nobody does, we all hate you!

Live like a loser, Die like a hero

Making lots of noise, every night Joe and his bottles get into a fight So everybody is gonna be glad When good 'ol Joe is finally dead!

Live like a loser, Die like a hero


We used to share a dream We used to be a team We only had one strife Dedication to hardcore for life

For those sellouts, it was just a passin' phase Not for me man, loyal to the grave

Now I'm standing here all alone From now on, I've gotta do it on my own All what was said, means nuthin' The old crew has left the ring

For those sellouts, it was just a passin' phase Not for me man, loyal to the grave

All the suckers, I thought were real Left some wounds, that will never heal Fot those sellouts, it was just a passin' phase Not for me man, loyal to my grave

Tell me man, what did time to you - loyalty You never lived up to the things you said you'd do - loyalty You've lost your spirit, it has floated away - loyalty This is the end, we've gone our seperate ways

We've gone our seperate ways!


I've known you, since you were ten It's so hard to lose a friend But I gotta go on with my life Without you I gotta survive

You always stood by my side We shared our tears, we fought for our pride We fought for each other through good & bad And now there's only the memories left

MEMORIES - From the past MEMORIES - The only thing that's left MEMORIES - Here comes the pain MEMORIES - They will always remain

Sham, The Rejects, those were our roots We marched the streets with our steelcapped boots I remember the laughs, I remember the joy I remember all the crazy nights out with the boys

We were loud & proud we fought against the world We fought each other for some stupid girl We lived our lives, we had our stay We stepped outta line, we did it our way!

Nice Boys Finish Last

My mother used to tell me That nice boys don't play rock 'n roll And I guess she was right 'cuz I'm a crazy fuck who's on the rollv We're gonna play it rough We're gonna play it hard The Rock 'n Roll Rebels Got the winning card

Nice boys finish last

They call us society's rejects Who don't have a chance in life Call us the wild ones, whatever you want To be a winner is our only strife We don't play by the book Ans we don't play ny the rules By cheating in the game called life We conquer all the fools

Nice boys finish last

We're always the first To cross the line We always leave the good guys Twenty miles behind We're gonna play it rough We're gonna play it hard The Rock 'n Roll Rebels Got the winning card

Nice boys finish last

==== Nobody likes us…. ==== I've heard it all, a thousand times before You all got lots of talk, do you really want to start a war

Nobody likes us - But we don't care!

If you want blood, you've got it, this time it ain't a game We're taking no prisoners, we're going all the way

Nobody likes us - But we don't care!

We're hated by everyone, we didn't come here to make friends But we don't care anyway,v we'll just see where it ends!

Nobody likes us - But we don't care!

No Trust

You're always accusing me of things I'd never do It's always me who's wrong, it's never you Over the years you've been spreading so many lies Why man? To be sure I'm the bad guy

No trust - What's the deal No trust - These wounds won't heal

It's because you had a traumatic youth? You always wanted to do things, but you never could You're putting yoour frustrations out on me That's not the way man, can't you see?

No trust - What's the deal No trust - These wounds won't heal

You always take and never give You tell me how to live Nuthin' is worse than a father who has no trust in his son Always criticizing me, tellin' me that I'm wrong

You've never given me any respect According to you I'm a social reject You've already destroyed 10 years of my youth I'll never forgive you even if I could

No trust - What's the deal No trust - These wounds won't heal No trust - Give it up man No trust - While you still can

Now Or Never

We're the voice of a Generation We've heard too many Lies We're gonna hit the Streets We'll be knocking down your Doors

Now or Never - We're gonna strike back Now or Never - We're on the attack

This is a call on our Brothers Together we can make a Change The time has come to take some Action Tomorrow, nothing will ever be the Same

Now or Never - We're gonna strike back Now or Never - We're on the attack

We're not just gonna watch you Destroy We won't let faith Decide We're gonna take the world in our own Hands Decide ourselves what's happening with our Lives Now or Never - We're gonna strike back Now or Never - We're on the attack

Our Pride

Today a lot of people, try to fuck us up Bring our efforts down, try to make us stop Well, I've got news for you, you can't break us with the words you say We just don't take part, in the games you play

I won't get rid of my own me Just to belong to your stupid group I won't get accepted anyway So why should I stop?

Outside appearance, is what counts for you you don't even know me, but that doesn't bother you So many of you have tried, none of you did succeed We fought you all, and you all got beat!

I am proud of who I am It doesn't matter what you think, 'cause I don't give a damn I've got my own way of life With my brothers at my side

Pride - It means a lot to me and to my brothers - DSC standin' tall with our heads up high Untouchable, we'll always have our pride

You're not worth talkin' about Just a sorry person with a big mouth Talkin' shit behind our backs Your so called friends, you're trying to impress!

WE'LL KEEP ON FIGHTING - For our pride WE'LL KEEP ON FIGHTING - For our lives WE'LL KEEP ON FIGHTING - For what we believe in No matter what - WE'LL NEVER GIVE IN!!

Prison Bound

Well, I’m goin’ to a place where the tough guys go And come out even tougher A place where a man don’t show his feelings A place where a man don’t cry Well they I’m being punished And they say I can be reformed But some day I’ll return Did they really think that this time it would work You knew all along it wouldn’t

Oh, I’m prison bound I did a crime one too many times It’s on the outskirts of town, by the railroad tracks Where the country moon shines Oh, I’m prison bound Tell my girl I’ll be back one day Oh, I’m prison bound I may never know any other way

Well, they take away my freedom of expression and action Johnny says I’ll walk the line With three hots and a cot, and a lot of talk With lock-up, concrete and steel Well it’s cold and it’s clammy Man, it’s colder than a pimps heart But I’ve gotta do my time There’s a lesson to be learned here But what a price to pay You know, I may never learn

Oh, I’m prison bound I did a crime one too many times It’s on the outskirts of town, by the railroad tracks Where the country moon shines Oh, I’m prison bound Tell my girl I’ll be back one day Oh, I’m prison bound I may never know any other way

Rejects Of Society

I see them look at me, when I'm passing by I see their faces turn, I see them wondering why When I'm walking down the street, they see my scarred-up face It's the cross I bear, I stand on trial every fuckin' day

When we're walking down the road, with our tattooed arms and rings in our ears They're just afraid of the unknown, they try to blame us for their fears So, why should I even try? What's the use anyway? You'll never know what it's like to be convicted every day

You will never understand, that this is the way it's gotta be You will never understand, what this life means to me

I see them point their fingers, they call us the enemy The media likes to portrait us as the rejects of society They're just looking for a scapegoat, someone who can easily be blamed But I'll never accept my part, to be crucified for your mistakes

You will never understand, that this is the way it's gotta be You will never understand, what this life means to me

Road To Nowhere

Woke up one day and it was plain to see I was going nowhere, it was a dead end street So, I burned my bridges that made me bound to lose My life was a mess, so I had to choose It was the time to get rid of all the losers To seperate my ways from all the sluts and the users Do what you wanna do, work hard every day If you really want something, there’s always a way

Road to Nowhere

I’m gonna break out and leave this life behind Break out and see what I can find I might lose, I’m gonna try my luck I might win, I really don’t give a fuck So, if I can do it, you can do it too Why don’t you try it, you got nothing to lose A road to nowhere, It’s the same very day Do something different, try to break away

Road to Nowhere

The Sound Of The Streets

Let's just face it boys, the sound is back It's the sound of the streets All the kids are drinkin', dancin' and singing This is just what we all need

The band is on stage, working like hell And there's nog doubt that this is real The boys are back and they're meant to stay And we don't care about how you feel!


Doc Martin boots on our feet United as one, we roam the streets Hardcore and Oi!, it's all the same It doesn't make a difference at the end of the day

We love all the sounds Who carry the true spirit of the streets Wheter it's a sing-a-long streetpunk Or a rock 'n roll song with a hardcorebeat!


There's kids all over the world, keeping the sound alive We're all fighting for the same cause, It fills me with pride So never forget - Together we are strong Together we'll keep on fighting, Together we'll go on and on


Standing in line

You're livin' off my back, why don't you get a job You refuse to work, 'cause you like what you've got I work off my ass, all goddamn day For all the fuckin' bills, I've gotta pay

At the same time, you're standing inline To collect a copple of G's, you get everything for free You're livin' from taxmoney, that I paid From the few sorry dollars that I made!

The people who work are the ones who get fucked WE are the ones who always get robbed By a couple of scumbags, feeling sorry for themselves Why don't you fuck off and go to hell

You've never worked a day in your life Public assistance should be a privilege and not a right! You've never worked a day in your life Public assistance should be a privilege and not a right!

Stompin' Crew

Every week on a friday night The stompin'crew goes out to fight Droppin' many suckers 'till the mornin' light

We're the stompin' crew There's nuthin' we can't do We're the stompin' crew The hardcore drinkin' few

Havin' a good time, drinkin' beers We're united and strong so we got no fear You'd best watch your back, the stompin' crew is here

We'll keep up the fight 'cause we know we're right Show it to society with all your might

We're the stompin' crew There's nuthin' we can't do We're the stompin' crew The hardcore drinkin' few

We've been strugglin' for a few years Singin' our songs, drinkin' beers We do it all together with blood, sweat and tears

You will hear us shout We'll show you what it is all about We may be down, but down but no out

These Streets

When I walk these streets today, they remind me of yesterdays When I see these streets today, It’s like I’ve never been away When I’m driving through this town, I see the faces all around They remind me of the past and all the good times we ever had

These streets are tattooed in my heart, They’ll never go away This is where it all started, It still makes me feel proud today These streets they got a history, Here the forgotten memories still remain These streets have eyes and ears, They’ve dealt with joy and pain

On and On – It feels like Yesterday On and On – I would never trade my Place

Through these streets when I was young, we used to walk to school In these streets I got my first black eye, drank a bottle and acted cool These streets are dirty and old but I would never trade my place All the lessons we learned out there can never be taken away

On and On – It feels like Yesterday On and On – I would never trade my Place

Thies of Hearts

I was walking down the freeway I felt the thunder in my heart I knew it all along It was clear right from the start That she was the one and only The one and only for me We were brought together by faith This is how it was meant to be

Thief of Hearts

Well, I’ve known some dark days Days I’d rather forget For all the hearts that I broke I’m filled with pain and regret That’s the way it goes The story of the king of tears This time I lost my baby The one for all these years

Thief of Hearts

==== Timebomb ==== You're the one - Timebomb Who has caused this rage - Timebomb You woke up the devil in me - Timebomb You let him out of his cage

I'm waiting to explode - Timebomb You're walking on a tightrope - Timebomb Hate flows trough my veins - Timebomb You're driving me insane

You, you had to go on - Timebomb You forced me into what I've become - Timebomb You you put me in disgrace - Timebomb You spit me right in my face

I'm waiting to explode - Timebomb You're walking on a tightrope - Timebomb Hate flows trough my veins - Timebomb You're driving me insane

You'd better say your prayer - Timebomb The countdown has begun - Timebomb 'cuz six feet under - Timebomb Life ain't no fun!

I'm waiting to explode - Timebomb You're walking on a tightrope - Timebomb Hate flows trough my veins - Timebomb You're driving me insane

==== Today Belongs To Us ==== Today belongs to us We all got hopes and dreams, we wish for to come true But at the ensd of the day, none of 'em ever do So I'm not gonna wait and see, what the future holds for me I´m just gonna seize the day, and take what's within my reach

Today - Today belongs to us

Lives are being thrown away, by millions in this world Who're all waiting for opportunities that'll never come Life's allready short, so you gotta give it your best try You only live once, so now is the time to do it right

Today - Today belongs to us

So don't ask me, why I'm living my life from day to day I'm just enjoying the moment, sometimes they can never take away Don't try to fool me and stop causing all the fuss I'm just telling you that today belongs to us

Today - Today belongs to us

Too Many Times

You've been dissin' me way too long I never paid any attention, that was wrong Week after week, time after time You're trying to take, what's mine

You think that you're so tough, that you're a man? Well, just give me your best shot, show me all you can I've had enough of you and your kind Pushin' me around, time after time

I've tried to stay calm, but you know your patience is lost You'll pay the price, i'll tell you what it costs Forgiving doesn't exist in my head I won't rest untill you're dead!

TOO MANY TIMES - You've pushed me too far TOO MANY TIMES - Now you've got a war TOO MANY TIMES - It's time to settle the score TOO MANY TIMES - You won't bother me no more

I've tried to stay calm, but you know you patience is lost You'll pay the price, I'll tell you what it costs Forgiving doesn't exist in my head I won't rest untill you're dead!

TOO MANY TIMES - You've pushed me too far TOO MANY TIMES - Now you've got a war TOO MANY TIMES - It's time to settle the score Too MANY TIMES - You won't bother me no more

Union Worker

They’re closing down the factories, they’re shutting the rusty gates The union went on strike for days but it was already too late The company moves on, they take it to another land Don’t care about their workers, Leave ‘em behind with empty hands

Just a Union Worker

30 years of his life, he dedicated to his job From one day to another, he’s put aside like a dog But the rich man doesn’t care about the ruined lives he leaves behind Because there’s just one thing and that’s money on his mind

Just a Union Worker

So, now he’s unemployed, he has got 3 kids to feed He’s standing in the welfare line, he’s a victim of their greed He has lost his selfrespect, his honour and his pride This honest working man, they took away his life

Just a Union Worker

Untill This Day

I guess there's no one there's no one in this world That I can blame, for all the things that went wrong I guess there's no one to blame, for the tears that I shed When all my dreams were taken away, that I once used to believe

I've learned my life the hard way I've learned from my mistakes But like everybody else I'm still learning, untill this day

But I'm proud of all the things I've done I got nuthin' to regret I'm proud of the person who I am I will be proud untill the end

I've learned my life the hard way I've learned from my mistakes But like everybody else I'm still learning, untill this day

I've had my share of trouble I've learned from the past But every time when I fucked up I got myself out of the mess

So don't you try to save me girl 'cuz I've been trough higher flames and don't you try to conform me girl 'cuz I will never - never be tamed!

War among brothers/DSC anthem

I speak for myself, I'm not afraid I choose my own, it's the choice I made You live your life, I live mine According to the way I feel it's right Who the fuck are you to decide Whatever is wrong up my mind Open your eyes, are you blind?

You're startin' a war among brothers that can't be won So tell me now, who's smart and who's dumn You're priciples are good, that's a fact For them you get my full respect But you don't know what they're all about According to the way you carry them out Just because I'm not straight edge That's for you a good reason to hate!

How can something be so misunderstood Where did they go, the times of brotherhood? Are you tryin' to tear our scene apart? For you I've got no respect, 'cause you've got no heart But let me finish with an old expression To be or not to be, that's the question!

Don't Get Me Wrong

Cans and cans of friends you have stored Just rip one open if you ever get bored Don't need your help if I have to ask Don't call me your brother, when you're wearing that mask

What do I again, if I have to explain What's bothering me. Is that so hard to see?

No matter what shit, I'll be there for you I remember you sayin' what of it is true? Well if you're so desperate to be my best mate You could help me out, help me outta this hate

What do I again, if I have to explain What's bothering me. Is that so hard to see?

You can take some energy, I sure have a lot Won't see you as an enemy, but I will see your blood I know you reject, I judge my own way But I don't need your respect 'cause at least I'm not runnin' away

What do I again, if I have to explain What's bothering me. Is that so hard to see?

Don't get me wrong(4x)

Young & Reckless

Ruckin' on the terraces Going out all night Drinkin' 'till we drop And looking for a fight

Young & Reckless - For all those times Young & Reckless - Who were left behind Young & Reckless - For all those gone Young & Reckless - The war is won

Skinheads on the rampage Fighting in the streets Earning some respect The one thing we all need