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paroles:conflict [2009/03/02 21:13] – modification externe [2014/12/14 16:56] (Version actuelle) – modification externe
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 +====== Paroles ======
 +===== Conflict =====
 +==== The Right To Reply ====
 +The house,
 +Looks for an answer to end all the violence.
 +The ungovernable finally break silence,
 +There's endless white papers, and new institutions.
 +That still won't stop us, it's no solution.
 +The right and the left wing continue to bore,
 +With pre-dated policies all heard before.
 +This is mankind now see how mankind kills,
 +We're hitting back hard now you see how it feels.
 +They preach and teach examinational tests,
 +So the political privileged can order the rest
 +Of the young parasites, who live in a world without hope,
 +To get back in line, and stay there, then assure us they'll cope.
 +In the new violent britain they pledge to invest,
 +In skills and communities with renewed interest.
 +To build schools of education, not colleges of crime
 +A manifesto so perfectly timed.
 +Providing help for the helpless, their new commissions strive,
 +For a stable re-educated society by nineteen-ninety-five.
 +Meanwhile, we fight on in desperation trying to break through.
 +Their barriers of insanity and even now they know it's true,
 +That to eradicate violence effectively, injustice has to unfold.
 +But instead they choose to compensate,
 +To lie and then collaborate,
 +No interest in any true debate,
 +Their courts set up the offenders fate,
 +The new secure units for the old custodial sentence.
 +Well we have listened to you for long enough,
 +Taken all your threats, and you ain't so tough.
 +You intimidate, then punish the persistent hard-core offender.
 +You condemn more and understand less, you'll get no apologies ever.
 +In an atmosphere of moral panic, you blame us for fighting back.
 +But it's us that's been dragged through your streets backwards, battered, 
 +shell-shocked and attacked.
 +The pressure's building on law and order,
 +But we ain't even started.
 +They may think that they have been tested,
 +But no way for we still stand divided.
 +More and more we're turning against our own,
 +How come? How have we forgot?
 +That this is the one thing they want us to do,
 +To compensate
 +For the freedom that we ain't got.
 +Some mug old folks and these are scum
 +It's the one main thing that just ain't done.
 +We can deal perfectly with our own problems,
 +By taking the law in to our own hands.
 +We can protect our own, young, the weak, and
 +Elderly, and therefore smash their callous plans.
 +I shall not work to build my death
 +Nor have decisions made by fools,
 +For my or your behalf.
 +As though I can't see or hear
 +Of that which surrounds me,
 +As though I'm quite content
 +With all that, that disgusts me.
 +I will not build for another's gain,
 +Although it always ends up the same,
 +It's as though I can't see or hear,
 +As though I'm content,
 +With everything that disgusts me.
 +How can they talk about low life, whilst they're destroying the earth?
 +How can they take away someone's freedom, when they don't know what it's worth?
 +To the people with feelings, to those not totally succeeding,
 +Those, shattered, torn, ripped right in half, and whose broken hearts are 
 +Yet still they bash and batter,
 +To them, man onslaught, does not matter.
 +They create society's whitewashed picture,
 +That everything is alright.
 +Then when people voice opinion and object,
 +They show disgust, confusion and then demonstrate their might.
 +Don't you dare think for a moment, that it's only in a riot that we show we're 
 +It's in every so called criminal act, that we demonstrate our contempt.
 +You shove your outstanding promises, your respect. I only have respect for the 
 +That you destroy time and time and time again, then dismiss in your stride.
 +I'm still hoping for the hopeless,
 +And making excuses for the lawless.
 +==== Someday Soon ====
 +Someday soon we'll take vacations on the moon.
 +Someday soon we'll build great cities under water.
 +And someday soon we'll create the ultimate human being.
 +And someday soon you won't believe just what you're seeing.
 +Yet they can't find a cure for a common cold,
 +But they can reconstruct a face, back to the young from the old.
 +The cancer spreads, the A.I.D.S. develops in it's victims,
 +Science counts the cost in lives, the cause and not the cure succeeds.
 +A child fights for life, in a state of confusion.
 +Dragged up in a cesspit full of class 'A' illusions.
 +The progress chart monitors, brilliant achievements.
 +It's a world where technology easily outweighs bereavement.
 +The market remains flooded with drugs that only suppress,
 +Twenty types that all do the same thing, profit and screw all the rest.
 +Who drop dead in the queue, to receive operations,
 +As the government reveal their new million pound sensation.
 +Dancing at the policemen's ball again,
 +We sing our songs of disgust, but they don't hear a thing
 +With heads held up high they raise a toast to progression,
 +And a record breaking turnover tenth year in succession.
 +There stands a woman she has no face,
 +Her baby cries out dying arms outstretched for embrace.
 +They have no stake in the society that demands their respect.
 +A world with any hope is all they can expect.
 +Someday soon we'll take vacations on the moon.
 +And someday soon we'll build great cities under water, yeah!
 +Someday soon we'll create the ultimate human being.
 +And someday soon.
 +==== No More Excuses ====
 +Safe as sound (x13)
 +What am I talking about?
 +Of course, it's not safe.
 +Look at what corporate gain is doing to our children, and our sanity?
 +Sanitary, insanitary
 +Am I left fit to believe?
 +Am I left fit? Fit for what?
 +What for? For who?
 +Who gains?
 +Weight gains?
 +Weight watchers?
 +Watching what?
 +Watching who?
 +Who's watching?
 +No more questions.
 +Wanting existence, wanting a distance.
 +Wanting existence, wanting to exist.
 +Before the thinking,
 +The sun kills alone,
 +After the thought.
 +If this is how you see it,
 +You have to make it known.
 +If this is how you free it,
 +You have to make it known.
 +This is how you see it, you just have to make it known.
 +This is not too serious, to have to make it known.
 +Instead of
 +Wanting a distance.
 +Wanting existence.
 +I want my distance,
 +I want to exist
 +As safe as sound (x5)
 +==== A Declaration Of Independence ====
 +A declaration of independence, the other person has cleared,
 +Understand the perspective, get the directive, and realise our fears.
 +We're simply trying to connect nowadays, but does anybody want to know?
 +I'm finding it hard putting feelings into words, another chapter remains unwrote.
 +They say, we're standing firmly in the rain simply waiting for it to stop.
 +They said, that we should build new umbrellas because we're stuck in our own 
 +I say, blow away the rain clouds, for the new horizon is crystal clear.
 +It's took sometime, but we're on the right track. Now where do we go from here?
 +Sick and tired of worthless statements, pissed off with the same old songs.
 +You stuff your moral rule book of what's allowed, what's right and wrong.
 +Oh yeah! There's those who only criticise yet offer nothing new.
 +Solutions? Ideas? Just raked up shit! What a clever thing to do.
 +We must strive on for what we know is right, we know all too well there's no end 
 +in sight
 +But human nature is still on our side as the politicians fall into landslide.
 +We're out on the street, feeling the beat of the heart's in anger at the upper 
 +crust elite
 +Who don't hear us scream or beg for a halt or when we weep over what their 
 +society aborts
 +President Reagan and the pope face assassinations' bullets and escape with their 
 +But in Cairo Sadat dies in a hail of automatic fire
 +From Brixton to Belfast riots rage and fires burn
 +The royal wedding of Prince Charles is celebrated
 +In America the skies roar as Columbia the first space shuttle blasts off
 +But as winter descends, so does the chilling news of martial law in Poland
 +Argentina invades Falklands
 +And Spielberg captures our imaginations
 +Unemployment rises above three million
 +And with threat of cruise missiles twenty thousand women go to war to safe guard 
 +Britain gets it's fourth T.V. station
 +Princess Diana gives us a royal heir
 +The I.R.A. bring horror to Hyde Park
 +Breshnev dies in Russia
 +And Israel invades Lebanon
 +As protesters get into their stride at Greenham
 +Ronald Reagan promises to make Star Wars a frightening reality
 +Back on earth the Soviets admit to shooting down a Korean airliner
 +Maggie Thatcher triumphs again
 +And America's first woman astronaut is in space
 +For Grenada its an American invasion
 +After twelve weeks the striking miners still battle on
 +And in Brighton the P.M. and cabinet narrowly escape death as an I.R.A. bomb 
 +rips through the Grand Hotel.
 +Yvonne Thatcher is gunned down and her murderer flies away a free man
 +Rajiv Gandhi fights to save his country after the assassination of his mother
 +Millions face starvation in Ethiopia
 +Mikhail Gorbachev is Soviet leader, while shouts of "scab" greet miners.
 +Unions vote to end the national strike.
 +The rainbow warrior of Greenpeace is damaged in new Zealand by two bombs
 +Live aid rocks the world for the hungry
 +A policeman is hacked to death in London
 +Reagan in Geneva said the world is now a safe place
 +Space shuttle explodes on take off
 +Swedish P.M. is shot dead in the street, the pickets cash in wapping,
 +Reagan bombs Libya (Keep your head down)
 +Russian nuclear reactor is ablaze
 +Beirut gun man attack U.N.,
 +Argentinean president ends arms revolt
 +Gorbachev makes new offer on arms cuts
 +Iraqi Exocet blasts U.S. frigate
 +Thatcher is elected for a third term
 +In Britain 'spycatcher' is banned, but anyone can buy it in America
 +A storm hits the stock market on black Monday
 +S.A.S. gun man gun down I.R.A. unit in Gibraltar
 +Mitterand returns as French president
 +U.S. war ships shoot down an Iranian airliner
 +Bush is elected as U.S. president
 +Thatcher speaks for Polish freedom
 +Britain is shocked by two disasters in nine days
 +And Edwina resigns over a storm in an egg cup
 +Berlin wall is torn down freedom sweeps the East
 +In China a light of hope in Tiannamen square is extinguished
 +In Romania the people fight against the dictator Ceaucescu and with his death 
 +they win
 +For once it seems a hope and good can prevail
 +Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait
 +U.N. troops leave to face the unknown horrors of modern warfare
 +Mandela is freed
 +The Soviet pulls out of Czechoslovakia
 +And Maggie Thatcher resigns
 +The waiting is over, the Gulf explodes
 +Never has such a powerful force been unleashed against one Nation
 +The bombardment against Iraq is relentless
 +The end comes quickly, as the victorious survivors celebrate For some the battle 
 +against grief is only just beginning
 +Yellow ribbons are everywhere
 +With the release of John McCarthy, it seems at last the world is changing for 
 +the better.
 +Terrywaite's smile inspires millions
 +And in Russia Yeltsin replaces Gorbachev
 +In Yugoslavia civil war rages
 +Robert Maxwell makes the biggest splash
 +And the I.R.A. bomb Downing Street (Conflict after conflict.
 +Now it's just the bare bones of what we are.
 +A vicious circle in an open ended struggle.
 +Life goes on as if all around is not relevant,
 +As we look through closed eyes we try and understand.)
 +If we had a view what would it show?
 +We're stuck in a room that has no view,
 +And so are you,
 +Or are you?
 +Well are you?
 +==== The Institution Of Dreams ====
 +Human nature beams for all to see, the story now unfolds.
 +As they wonder into wonderland, their lives, the starring role.
 +He makes his move so carefully, as he takes her by the hand.
 +He whispers that he loves her, so she fails to understand.
 +Strolling lives, angelic passages, with visions crystal clear.
 +He demonstrates his love for her. She hides away her fears.
 +He showers her with prizes, she's the first in his love life!
 +He piles on the emotions. But she don't want to be his wife.
 +"You and I will build a dream together,
 +Give me your heart I'll love forever.
 +When I hold your hand,
 +I start to understand,
 +What they mean when they say love,
 +What we mean when we say love."
 +"Well now you really better love me so or I will hate your guts???
 +Your mine all mine no ifs or buts, no one else must ever touch,
 +And to you I now give all my heart,
 +As I knew I would right from the start.
 +Our gold band now engages us within the institute of dreams."
 +They ride the path towards married bliss, but something's just not right.
 +Those visions now seem so distorted, they disagree and fight.
 +Both now miss their freedom. But this contract they've created.
 +In acceptance with society's morals, a tradition that's so dated.
 +Looking back in time she thinks what's life got in store from here?
 +Confused, twisted, sick inside he drowns in another beer.
 +With tears in eyes he walks away he's convinced that, that is that!
 +But absences makes the heart grow fonder, and now he begs her to come back.
 +She finds a man to compensate.
 +He wins at home, she plays away.
 +It's been going on a while now?
 +All seems lost, is it too late?
 +But meanwhile he's out there finding solace with another,
 +He holds sweet truth, she keeps dark secrets. She looks, he knows he loves her.
 +But he also dreams up images of all the thoughts of her he's missed,
 +They patch it up for the umpteenth time as this tale takes another twist.
 +Loves a never ending question always asking why is it wrong
 +To hold love and feelings for more than one, and well that's another song.
 +==== Climbimg The Stairs ====
 +Standing alone in a mystery.
 +Standing alone in misery.
 +I'm standing alone, it's a mystery?
 +The start of the war, it's the first to die
 +So on my own, in not the place to be
 +First, I see a visions of insane men
 +Unaware on the stairs, caught by the same gang
 +Pure hatred on young and aged faces
 +One, two, three, they ain't leaving traces
 +As someone pushes past, I'm track right in their path
 +I try to respond, but this just raises a laugh
 +A clenched fist punches hard, smashing the face
 +I try to turn and run, but they're all over the place
 +Pulling hard on the stair rail, but this ain't my night
 +My shirt rips in two, as they hold me so tight
 +I feel a terrible blow, as something collides with skull
 +I fight back so hard, but the blades take their toll
 +So many shots on target, on the floor curled up tight
 +The crazed just won't stop, is this finally goodnight?
 +Now a feeling so strange, something won't let it die
 +And can't let them screw up the rest of our lives.
 +I'm losing all, all track of time
 +I feel the pain of a real life crime
 +Boy they roar, let's open up his head
 +Hey you, see how far you've pushed this
 +I'm now praying that someone will turn up soon
 +I'm unaware they're creeping down the backstairs
 +I shout, "Hey, what am I getting this for?
 +I weren't even there, I didn't go past the door".
 +But the baton rains down, the boots pile in
 +Why don't they leave it, look at the state that I'm in
 +The choppers chops hard, the blade cuts deep
 +Flesh hangs off in slices and I start to weep
 +The baton rains down, the boots pile in
 +I feel a strange peacefulness building up within
 +The choppers chops hard, the blood runs red
 +I feel total release, I think I must be dead
 +Back alive in the shadow of a dead man
 +I'm not alone? I'm reaching for the stair rails
 +Instead I grab the hand of the father
 +I see a face, it's the face of my mother
 +There's someone else, it's the mother of my mother
 +Whose strong man is helping me
 +Climb up the stairs from the misery
 +Climb and climb, the stairs from the misery
 +Climbing the stairs
 +For the unaware?
 +To see
 +==== A Question Of Priorities  ====
 +The winds of change are now blowing again, I can sense it, I can feel it, like a 
 +breath of fresh air.
 +Thousands upon thousands of words, is our right to reply.
 +A question of priorities, in a universal role.
 +Memories surround of bitter times, so don't expect too much, as all seems lost, 
 +when the world finally says give up.
 +From the dark wind wept streets, I see a glimmer of light, of hope, a presence 
 +of defiance.
 +I wonder, and I realise, that while some wait for miracles, others may help 
 +create them.
 +From a room that has no view, I gaze from the window; I consider our purpose, 
 +the cold stars look down, and there's a feeling that someone, or something, is 
 +always looking, strange, cos it's, it's like, it's like careful observation, the 
 +sweetest manipulation, those smiling images of love, a confused pattern of 
 +trust, a feeble structure fleeing, responsibility and feelings, and I wonder 
 +who, what, why where and when and if in fact I'm still believing?
 +In all those moments we've shared.
 +Of all the things that we have been through.
 +I feel happiness, sadness, remember the places that we have been to push our 
 +views and ideas home.
 +Of meeting people who feel alone.
 +Of seeing anguished faces smile again,
 +An achievement? Well I hope.
 +As we swim from the shore, I can feel the undercurrent.
 +I hear songs of hope and glory, but how deep is their ocean?
 +We turn and face obsession, a painful reminder from tomorrow.
 +The seas a funny shade of blue now, do we drown in mistakes sorrow?
 +A nation remains silent, burnt out skulls, blank expressions.
 +An image of convenience, in reality's succession.
 +Blind in the one-eyed kingdom, following those who followed last,
 +Who follow those, who followed before them. Is there a future in the past?
 +==== Is Never To Die  ====
 +I have slept so long, for so long.
 +There lies my regret, sighing and grieving.
 +Had I known I could tremble so, what now I know.
 +I would never have shown my soul.
 +Leaping, like an eager flame.
 +After all who is to blame?
 +There lies my regret, shining and grieving.
 +And as this evening falls,
 +To close, for closed eyes.
 +Take that backward glance,
 +And see, see what lies behind.
 +Recall the time when all the world,
 +Just seemed to recline,
 +Within our hands and was washed away,
 +Like the fleeting summer rain.
 +Gentle memories of our finest day,
 +Can we ever hope to regain?
 +The innocence of youth.
 +The sordid truth.
 +Our visions turn sour.
 +All colours change to grey.
 +Goodbye my tender dreams.
 +Is there a better day?
 +To live on in hearts, is never to die.
 +==== These Colours Don't Run ====
 +The factories still churning out
 +Of that there's not a single doubt
 +There's more snide shit from their flea pits
 +They could couldn't give a fucking shit.
 +It's true, overdue, and plain to see,
 +The plight of those in misery
 +A dead necked vision, product of subsidence
 +Fucked up, and held in screaming silence
 +Another police force investigation
 +Blatant lies, false fucked suggestions
 +Is it all down to communications?
 +Or does the grass need cutting?
 +Has it change direction?
 +The chants that only serve to divide
 +The police link with the revenue, the royalties slide
 +Now as poor old joy gardener bites the dust
 +Why should I give a fucking fuck?
 +But the lefties scream outside the courts
 +Looking to lay the blame, it's no ones fault
 +They show sincerity, Oh! how much they care
 +Yeah! In their sick, twisted cause, in their affairs
 +A black coy has just missed his bus
 +A racist attack? Or blood thirsty lust?
 +Again the left jump on the back of the weeks attack
 +And force feed, socialist shit militant crap.
 +They blatantly try and whip up violence
 +Keep their arseholes shut? Keep it silent.
 +Another black person has died, that is true
 +But are you suprised? I ain't, because I already knew
 +By promoting political deaths, they could not give a fucking toss
 +The sexism reign in green mans world
 +The A.L.F. proves yet again that they won't be told
 +That what they do (or don't) is totally wrong
 +So fuck off you insane cunts, it still remains... our song!
 +Detention centres for the relentless
 +Approved schools for the fools
 +Abolish the jury, punish the fury
 +But it's our power that you fuel
 +So it is basically blatantly obvious
 +And in fact fucking common sense
 +That when people are forced to live in shit
 +Under your conditions, crime will undoubtedly spread
 +You may be watching every move we make
 +You even convince yourself that you're clever
 +But I'm looking right back into your eyes,
 +So don't you ever, never ever,
 +Think that I mignt trip or slip
 +Right down your stairs
 +Into your cells, where unaware,
 +You can beat and fuck me senseless,
 +While the world spins around relentless
 +You may have people on your side
 +That I consider the lowest form of life
 +But don't you think of what you call respect
 +Even enters into our minds aspect
 +For I'm sick of respect, how about our causes instead?
 +What made the maddened go to extreme lenghts
 +Who simply couldn't take it
 +Who knew they wouldn't make it
 +Being ground down fine,
 +By those who haven't got the time
 +For they shall punish those who sin
 +Toss the peasants into the bin
 +Of those that won't beg for their pittance
 +And that still remains our fucking difference
 +Who will not beg to their Jesus, God
 +Christ I've had enough of that!
 +Christ I've had enough of this!
 +==== Increase The Pressure ====
 +Never mind the bullshit, here's the facts
 +The second album full of same old songs
 +Fighting back against a system which is cruel and wrong
 +Yet another battering ram against a wall of power
 +A blasphemous attack to blow the leader’s cover
 +It’s a message from those who won’t take no more
 +Of seeing the privileged profit from the poor
 +Of the scientist’s piss they call research
 +Of being told we’re scum and should be birched
 +Well bollocks to them all, keep smashing at the wall
 +Pile the pressure on and Government will fall
 +But it takes more than music and more than words
 +To recreate a nation that’s controlled by hoards
 +Of police, army and fuck knows what else
 +That they’ve got waiting for the backlash from the people who care
 +To question their control, their dividing lines
 +Power must be tested, it’s testing time
 +Power must be tested, we've heard that time and time again
 +But no matter how much pain and protest, nothing seems to change
 +The Government show forces and our movement cowers in fear
 +Some still strive for freedom, while others simply sneer
 +It’s the same old racket with the same old songs
 +Well it’s the same fucking system and it still stands strong
 +The battle continues so bollocks to them
 +Who mock our anarchy then bow their heads again
 +You try working for something that a system can’t make
 +Creating something that a law can’t take
 +Back as a loss of privilege for stepping out of line
 +Power ain't been tested, so now's the time to fuck them up again
 +Fuck them up again (x2)
 +==== Law And Order ====
 +Punks! -- The system maintains -- Law and order
 +No more law and order. Those words they say it all
 +Its just one human being denying another of self rule
 +The police ain't authority, for all they do is serve
 +The state they do their dirty work to make the people learn
 +They interrogate, discriminate, smash demos and assault
 +They sort out all the queers and keep the wogs locked in a vault
 +And they're here for protection but protection for who?
 +They all wear the same badge that says fuck you all
 +Oh yeah! They're here to maintain rights; they're here to keep the peace
 +They’ve also got the right to lock up and not release
 +Any form of rebel, they’ll even work against their own
 +Because they bribe them, very well and they may also get a home
 +Protect their privilege no matter what the cost
 +Now you're the piggy in the middle and they couldn’t give a toss
 +They sit back and laugh, yes they laugh at you too
 +Cos they also wear a badge that says "we use you"
 +It’s just the same old story of a state going wrong
 +Where possessions matter and people don’t
 +Don’t be surprised that we've turned against you
 +Because if you side with them, it’s fuck you too
 +==== From Protest To Resistance ====
 +No, there's no fucking way
 +That anything’s going to change
 +It depends on you and you know
 +We can protest until death, they won’t listen
 +Don’t sit back and think it will happen
 +They won’t give up what they have robbed
 +Stand up and resist
 +But while the leaders have caught on, we see that they’ve prepared for civil war
 +While on our side we squabble about who does what and who sells more
 +There's women with just one reason, to fight for their equality
 +Forgetting the system holds superiority
 +First, we've got to come together, so fuck the differences
 +It doesn’t matter if its noise or music, to them we all talk piss
 +To them we’re the sick farce, now lets not prove them right
 +If we're to stand the slightest chance, we must unite and fight
 +We must never give up, make sure our message ain't forgotten
 +That’s if they won't fucking stop, then we’re gonna fucking stop them!
 +==== Though Shit Mickey ====
 +Mother Nature smiles and cracks a new days dawn
 +Most people on the earth are sleeping comfortably and warm
 +Out in the fields and pastures, it’s another new day too
 +One without the war and hatred that is known by me and you
 +A shriek disturbs the peacefulness; the cat’s just killed a mouse
 +The mother says with feeling as she looks out from the house
 +It’s breakfast time, the clock strikes nine, ham, bacon, one egg or two?
 +What a shame about that mouse, what’s for tea tonight, lamb stew?
 +Well, there’s things to do, so the family divides in separate ways
 +Father works to earn the keep, he’s a butcher and well paid
 +The daughters go to riding school, mother washes up the crap
 +One son plays with soldiers; the other aggravates the cat
 +Back out in the fields a different story’s taking place
 +Foxes cower with their cubs to escape the human race
 +Rabbits run for life, deer take cover in the trees
 +The mother sighs with disbelief, then prepares the meat
 +Liberate, liberate
 +Liberate, liberate -- Think what you’re doing -- Liberate, liberate
 +Liberate, liberate -- The systems set to ruin -- Liberate, liberate
 +Liberate, liberate -- The life, not the profit -- Liberate, liberate
 +Liberate, liberate-- We’ve got to fucking stop it
 +Because before too long there will nothing left alive
 +Not a creature on the land or sea, a bird in the sky
 +They’ll be shot, harpooned, eaten and hunted too much
 +Vivisected by the clever men who prove that there’s no such
 +Thing as a fair world with live and let live
 +The royal family go hunting what an example to give
 +To the people they lead and that don’t include me
 +I've seen enough pain and torture of those who can’t speak
 +So I'm gonna speak for them in an all out attack
 +And if someone tries to whip me, then I will fucking whip them back
 +Because I have had enough of this madness in those theatres of hell
 +Enough of them hounding the fox to the kill
 +Of baby seals being clubbed, their mothers cut up
 +They satisfy their greed, their wealth’s built on blood
 +Of their slaughterhouse haunting the back of the mind
 +The gas chamber of the farm life, the end of the line
 +It’s a shame about that mouse!
 +==== Punk Inn'It ====
 +Punk still means much more than fashion
 +A movement made that no one can change
 +It’s a form of rebellion; it comes from the street
 +And it’s made by idiots like me! See!
 +We’re all caught in a web of power
 +And we are all holding each other in place
 +Forced into position by one another
 +I see I'm ready to break free
 +But... I can’t move unless you fucking do
 +I can’t move unless you fucking do (x2)
 +I can’t move unless you don't do
 +You can’t move unless I choose to (x3)
 +How much longer are we gonna wait?
 +I never said it could
 +I said it would
 +It can
 +It will (x7)
 +It is... Happening
 +==== As Others See Us ====
 +The music press grins but did you think they would help us?
 +No, it’s not in their interest; freedom’s not what they want
 +The change in their life style would destroy the bank balance
 +Much rather they would shit and watch the world collapse
 +In their fairytale city, they poison the mind
 +With rock ‘n’ roll for entertainment
 +So, the nation won’t find out about
 +Corruption, control, the distribution of wealth
 +It’s a plan based on distraction, well see for yourself
 +They make millions profit now who’s on what side?
 +Do you see them lift a finger as the starving victims die?
 +Some people tried to change things, tried to clear out all the shit
 +Big bosses forced a clampdown, anarchy must not exist!
 +Fuck off if you don’t want to help, that’s the message loud and clear
 +From the con men you once labelled, you bastards just don’t care
 +Just who the fuck are you to talk? You even sell yourselves
 +O.K. you’ve got your own opinions, well now have ours as well
 +Shut your mouth, because you don’t understand the way things are
 +The way we live, the role we play is not a superstar
 +For you to use, build up, smash down as you see fit
 +You dozy jerks you write such shit
 +If we sound like a bad phone call then you’ve got a crossed line
 +If we tell you the same as yesterday, well, did you think we would change our 
 +You say we look too violent, say our message is forgotten
 +Well, if you don’t like that tough, because that’s the only face I've got!
 +Shut your mouth, because you don’t understand the way things are
 +The way we live, the role we play is not a superstar
 +For you to use, build up, smash down as you see fit
 +You don’t know shit... you make me sick
 +==== Cruise... ====
 +Cruise missiles have arrived, despite our protest and anger
 +The fucked up fucking shits took no notice of our banners
 +They ignored the nation’s pleas of a chance to work for peace
 +They reinforced their laws and brought their servants to their knees
 +Maggie sits back in her province of power
 +The nation’s scared shitless in fear of a shower
 +Of the worst thing that would be possible
 +The destruction of the world, the murder of us all
 +God save the Queen, are you sure it ain't the banks?
 +It’s the profit of all nations that makes the leaders wank
 +From the Germans to the Russians and the Great British too
 +The people are the same, it’s the Government who...
 +...Fuck, rape and destroy our world they treat as a toy
 +The truth they abuse and hide with war, threats, system and lies
 +Thirty million will die while the royals and Government hides
 +So, the nation’s wealth can survive but the rest of us just fry
 +The man Hesletine sits and gloats at his warheads
 +Thatcher observes, "Oh, there's a hundred thousand more dead"
 +The missiles roar over, there's nothing they can do
 +But there's still a chance to stop it and that relies on me and you
 +Maggie sucks Andropov in her brothel of power
 +While Reagan gives speeches of bullshit to cover
 +The fact that its profit that brought the missile fear
 +Well ram them up your own arse, because we don’t want them here
 +What are we going to be doing now it’s 1984? (x8)