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paroles:akuma [2014/04/28 02:40] – UmlNebEy [2014/04/30 15:51] (Version actuelle) – modification externe
Ligne 1: Ligne 1:
 +====== Paroles =======
 +===== Akuma ======
 +==== Marche ====
 +("When it's time to face the odds,friendship is
 +not about talking the talk but walking the walk")
 +Et je marche encore une fois
 +Dans ces rues oubliées des dieux
 +Toi tu m'emboîtes le pas
 +Tu sais qu'l'avenir sera comme on le veut!
 +Tout tourne et je vois
 +Mon futur se dessiner devant moi!
 +Tout tourne encore une fois
 +Peu importe ce qui arrivera
 +J'sais qu'tu seras là!
 +Nous marchons encore toi et moi
 +Et je peux lire dans tes yeux
 +Cette force qui sommeille en toi
 +Comme un désir d'être heureux!
 +Et je marche encore une fois
 +Dans ces rues oubliées par des dieux!
 +Nous marcherons encore toi et moi
 +Même si la terre
 +se dresse contre nous deux!
 +==== Naufragé ====
 +Naufragés de tous les excès,
 +qu'on prétendait être succès,
 +À la dérive d'une société,
 +dont toutes les idées ont échoué
 +Dites-moi c'que l'rêve américain,
 +aura bien pu nous laisser
 +Sinon un avenir incertain,
 +et l'écume de nos rêves brisés...
 +J'aimerais effacer toute notre histoire!
 +J'aimerais crier pour vaincre le désespoir!
 +Exilés d'une culture,
 +qui aura livré en pature
 +Les faibles et les démunis,
 +aux crocs de l'économie
 +Honteux d'une humanité,
 +au sourire carnassier
 +Et qui n'a d'humain que le nom,
 +de ceux laissés à l'abandon...
 +J'aimerais venger l'honneur des parias!
 +Et je garde la fierté d'être de ceux-là!
 +Pour nous le passé n'est plus rien,
 +nous retournons au néant
 +Usés,consumés comme un bien,
 +vaincu,périmé par le temps
 +C'est la tragédie colorée,
 +du rouge de la destruction
 +D'une planète condamnée,
 +par notre civilisation...
 +Il nous faut refuser ce suicide quotidien!
 +C'est la résignation qui tue nos lendemains!
 +==== Down ====
 +You wish you could shut me up
 +You'd like to bring me down
 +But you can't make me stop
 +I can swim I won't drown
 +I did go down before
 +Your justice ain't so blind
 +But I'm still there for more
 +And I damn well know your kind
 +Tell me again what is there to see
 +Tell me again what golden road
 +lies ahead of me
 +Tell me again that your beautiful democracy
 +is there for me,there for free!
 +You can't really deal with adversity
 +But only people who don't kneel
 +have their liberty
 +So silence the silent if you will
 +Keep peopleobedient be ready to kill
 +You fed me lies for the longest time
 +And judged the cries like they were a crime
 +My anger's loud and clear
 +I'm one of those who bite
 +And you can't cloud with fear
 +my will to stand and fight!
 +It's time for a lesson of humility
 +It's time you get your dose of reality
 +I got stronger with what didn't kill me
 +Know I won't go down so easily,quietly.
 +Your beautiful democracy
 +is not for me,not for free!
 +==== Everything ====
 +If we had a voice to change things tonight
 +If we had a choice to give in or to fight
 +If anyone could hear it wouldn't be so hard
 +And we wouldn't be here
 +driking no holds barred
 +Like a promise to go far
 +One day we'll wage a brand new war!
 +If we had a voice to change things tonight
 +If we had a choice to give in or to fight
 +We'll have to hold ground
 +and bring it down
 +We'll have to take a stand
 +and push it to an end
 +Like a thousand boots on concrete
 +Like a riot in the street!
 +If we had a voice
 +If we had a choice
 +We are the proud we are the few
 +We are the ones that will stay true
 +For far too long we held back
 +Now we'll force a change and strike back!
 +And we want,and we take ,and we brake
 +to change EVERYTHING!
 +==== Teenage Warhead ====
 +I'd like to understand how you mean well
 +When things get out of hand and you raise hell
 +A mind set to destroy what's in your way
 +Thrill-crazy boy,young cat gone stray
 +You're just a teenage warhead!
 +Diplomacy to you is just a foreign notion
 +You'd much rather get
 +through with an explosion
 +Ready to ignite,ready to spit fire
 +Only a roll of dynamite
 +could take you higher!
 +The Streets Are Mine
 +Dare you walk these street alone
 +You better know how to hold your own
 +No wone here will slow the pace
 +Cause reality's a kick in the face.
 +You might think you're tought as hell
 +You might think you do so well
 +Your money your looks
 +and your office car
 +Well comin'at you is a brand new scar
 +I'm the spirit of the street
 +This city's urban beat
 +It feels to me like a birthright
 +I've got the alleyways,I've got the night
 +Dare you my scared ground
 +It might be your head I'm gonna pound
 +Check me out cause I'll feel fine
 +To show you that the streets are mine!
 +==== World Crusher ====
 +Modern democracy ofers no hope
 +Builds tales of hypocrisy
 +and hands the rope
 +Obey and bow,just build the wall
 +You'll be shown how to stage your fall!
 +Separate the rich from the poor
 +Let the weak be thrown to the floor
 +Screams for help to a closed door
 +Cry if you will,but faith no more!
 +Another day,another death:
 +keep your blank stare
 +cause it seems to me like you just don't care!
 +Like an abandoned stray
 +in a world of dismay
 +Lost and left to pray
 +for every victim you slay!
 +Like a sado-masochistic
 +suicidal war-fanatic!
 +Here comes the age of the slashed wrists
 +Kingdom of severed fists
 +Time now commands to surrender
 +And hail the World Crusher!
 +==== You're it ====
 +The tribe around me is getting agitated
 +you might see only me,
 +but we're more than a hundred...
 +You talk of pure evil,say the threat is real
 +Unsmak the true devil,
 +tell me how you feel
 +Let me be your nightmare,
 +let me be your curse
 +Live with the fear,the scare,
 +and it's getting worse!
 +Create an other monster,
 +to forget your sins
 +Make me the pointer,
 +of where the end begins
 +I am the past,I am the future
 +I'm here to last,I'm part of your culture!
 +So I am the terror of your every day
 +Split image in the mirror,
 +what ever you may say
 +I'm the demon you hide,
 +the akuma in you
 +Slowly burning inside,an soon shining